First Lutheran Church of Crystal

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Looking to the future

Those who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.  - Isaiah 40:31

Here in early February, I am still reflecting on the new direction that we shared during the Annual Meeting at the end of January. I’m feeling excited and inspired by the people of First. At the Annual Meeting, in the midst of the cross currents of our changing church and culture, we made the choice to put our money where our mission is.

 At the Annual Meeting, the gathered congregants heard a plan with two important parts. One part of the plan is an outline for a sustainable future. We identified the necessary costs to sustain our worshipping community long into the future without relying upon our savings. The other major part of the plan is to provide the funds necessary to be a leader in neighborhood outreach and impact.

 Our council and staff are expecting that 2023 will be a year of reconnecting with the neighborhood. We’re excited that 2023 will be a year of making relationships with our neighbors in need. We’re hopeful that 2023 will be a year full of encountering the Spirit at work both inside our church and outside our doors.

 In just two weeks, the season of Lent will begin on Ash Wednesday (February 22nd at 6:30).  A week later, I’m excited to return to the inspiring songs of Holden Evening Prayer (6:30) and the opportunity for fellowship and connection we have in our soup suppers before the service (bring soups at 5:30 and eat at 5:45).

 This year we’ll be invited to lift up our eyes and see God’s Kingdom coming through the Parables of Jesus interpreted by the art of Paul Oman. We’ll hear voices from our Wildfire Collaborative as we partner with Faith-Lilac Way’s Pastor Pam and Intern Pastor Joanna. We’ll even see the return of healing services the last Wednesday of our lenten series.

 I’m thankful for you and for the exciting season of ministry we’re entering together. 

Pastor Colin