
Create in me a clean heart, O God, and put a new and right spirit within me. - Psalm 51:10

I’ve been teaching my kids the old saying: “March comes in like a Lion and out like a Lamb.” Maybe that’s coming to mind for me because of the big winter storm that has made the beginning of our church season of Lent so memorable. But maybe it also comes to mind because this year we’ll begin our Lenten readings on Sundays with some of the most memorable and powerful stories of Genesis and John’s Gospel and then as March comes to an end, we’ll move straight into the events of Holy Week when Jesus becomes the lamb who was slain for us.


When Luther talked about the role of the Law in our lives as Christians, he would often compare the law to a mirror. I like that metaphor because some years it seems like Lent comes almost like an unexpected appointment for scheduled maintenance. Lent offers an opportunity to take a good look at questions like: How are we living our lives as disciples? How are we loving our neighbors? How are we following Jesus in our daily lives?


“Create in me a clean heart, O God, and put a new and right spirit within me.” That phrase from Psalm 51 has been ringing in my ears, not only because that Psalm is always scheduled on Ash Wednesday, but also because it provides a simple prayer that might help us launch our Lenten practice. Where are we in need of renewal and new creation?


In the coming weeks, we’re excited to return to the inspiring songs of Holden Evening Prayer (worship at 6:30) and the opportunity for fellowship and connection we have in our soup suppers before the service (meal at 5:30). During worship our readings and messages will dive deeper into Jesus' parables with the interpretive art of Paul Oman as our guide. We at First will explore this theme alongside Faith-Lilac Way. Pr Pam, Vicar Joanna, Deacon Kirsten and Pr Colin will each reflect on parable themes during each of the Wednesdays in Lent. We’ll even see the return of healing services the last Wednesday of our Lenten series.


I’m looking forward to a meaningful season filled with renewal and the Spirit for us at First.

Thanks, and peace,

Pastor Colin


Holy Week


Looking to the future