First Lutheran Church Women (FLCW)
First Lutheran Church Women (FLCW) are part of the Women of the ELCA (WELCA). All confirmed women are members of this group. At this time, we no longer have regular board meetings.
Some of the things we do: serve Palm Sunday brunch, Rally Sunday brunch, and various fund-raising meals during the year. We coordinate the church's decorating at the beginning of Advent and the undecorating of the church at the end of the twelve days of Christmas.
Our ladies also take care of the altar and help to serve communion.
We collect items to disburse to the proper charity, such as pop tabs for the Shriners, eyeglasses to send overseas, and soap and shampoo for Sharing and Caring Hands.
We purchase items and assemble Baby Care kits, Personal Car kits, Sewing kits, and School kits for Lutheran World Relief.
Quilter’s Group
Our quilting group meets on the first and third Mondays from 9:30 am to noon in the Community Room. Our quilt tops are made at home; we assemble and tie them at church. Most of our quilts go to LWR, some to NEAR Food Shelf, and some to emergency needs, graduates, and baptisms. If you can tie a knot or stick a pin in fabric, you qualify as someone who can help with the quilts.
Deborah Circle meets on the second Tuesday in the Conference Room for Bible Study and fellowship at 10 am.
For more information, contact the church office: (763) 537-4576.