Happy New Year
Do not remember the former things, or consider the things of old. I am about to do a new thing; even now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.
Isaiah 43:18-19
Happy New Year!
As January begins a New Year, so the church season of Epiphany leads us anew into to sharing the light of Christ with the whole world. Each week in our readings at church we’re invited to come alongside Jesus as he calls the disciples. In the midst of this wintery month, we’re invited into stories of Jesus’ welcoming and teaching along the warm shores of the Sea of Galilee. We’re invited to be inspired by Jesus as he begins his ministry of outreach to the poor, the hungry, the peacemakers, and all the marginalized.
I couldn’t imagine a better theme to be preaching as we prepare for our Annual Meeting at the end of the month. This year, we plan to propose a reorganization of our church budget. Knowing that this project was coming, you might have noticed, we’ve had project after project based on listening to the priorities of our community at First.
This summer we were meeting our neighbors and listening to the community around First at the Bonfire, Brats and Bomb-pops events. This fall, Intern Pastor Raul and Deacon Kirsten led a congregational listening project within our congregation. We invited input in the Music Survey. Then, throughout the months of October and November, we asked congregation members to share “Our Money Story” and to reflect on their own relationship with money, stewardship and ministry at First. That project culminated in asking for pledges and Time and Talent forms, which gave every member an opportunity to express their willingness to share finances, time and talents.
During this long season of listening, we heard stories of the long-term caring commitment of congregation members for one another. We heard anxieties about and hopes for stability in the future. We heard about the vision and desire of members to continue making a meaningful impact in the community around us through meaningful personal connections and through help and assistance for those neediest in our neighborhood.
This month, we will break up our budget pre-meeting into three short after church meetings to help us prepare for the annual meeting. On January 8th, we’ll start by discussing our current income trends and assets from the sale of the building. On January 15th, we’ll talk about creating a budget for our worshipping community that can be sustained by our current level of offerings. On January 22nd, we’ll share a vision for a special outpouring and emphasis on mission and outreach. And after all that, with our questions answered, we’ll celebrate a new budget and renewed vision for ministry and mission in 2023 and beyond.
God is doing a new thing here at First, I can’t wait to see it unfold!
Pr Colin