Holy Week

If the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, he who raised Christ from the dead will give life to your mortal bodies also through his Spirit that dwells in you.. - Romans 8:11

There are a lot of good things coming this month. I know when my mind has been wandering, I’m thinking about green grass and this year’s garden. The snow is finally beginning to melt. Kids are celebrating spring break. I’m ready for BBQs and longer, brighter evenings. When we want to see signs of new life, all we have to do is look outside!

 Throughout the season of Lent, we’ve had these great readings from Romans. For what its worth, I don’t regret focusing on the epic stories shared by the Gospel of John. But these great readings from Romans have become like hidden treasures. Sparkling, bright Gospel promises peppered into our worship.

 As Spring’s signs of new life and rebirth come alongside the Easter promises of resurrection this year, the Apostle Paul gives his own announcement of the new life that Christ brings. Not only that, but Paul reminds us that the Spirit of God who brings life to the dead already dwells in you! As springtime bursts forth all around us, take time to marvel that this is a season where the Spirit of God is brings green shoots and buds into hearts like yours and mine, too.


Friends, I couldn’t be more excited for Holy Week and Easter this year. I’m excited for the Palm Sunday breakfast at 8:30 before our festival worship with palms and Andrew Swartchick bringing special music. I’m excited to try something new on Maundy Thursday - we’ll be doing dinner church downstairs at 6pm. Lisa Funk will join us on the Viola and accompanied by Adrienne. There will be grilled chicken, Mediterranean breads and salads, and we’re inviting you to bring a salad or dessert when you come.  On Good Friday, we’re doing a collaborative service with Faith-Lilac Way. Their choir, Pr Pam, Deacon Kirsten, Vicar Joanna and I will be leading a reflective service using powerful music and imagery to guide our observance of this important day in the life of faith.


Easter Sunday worship is one of my highlights of the year. I’m looking forward to April 9th at 9:30 with great excitement. I’m looking forward to bringing that joy and new life of the Spirit of the living God into my days and into this season of Spring.


I’ll look forward to seeing you there, too!

Thanks, and peace,

Pastor Colin


Getting ready for Summer

