Deacon’s Desk – October 2022
Dear First Lutheran Friends,
As you may be aware First Lutheran has been part of the Synod’s grant funded process known as Faith Practices and Neighboring Practices. This is a two-year process for which FLCOC is one congregation of fifteen in the Minneapolis Area Synod selected to participate. We’re just beginning Year 2.
Some examples of our work include the focus on praying with the Psalms and the inclusion of the weekly Psalm in worship.
The “Bonfire, Brats, and Bomb Pops…and Classic Car Show!” third Wednesday events held through the summer for church family and friends (but especially for our neighbors) are another part of the plan. The Classic Car Show proved to be a unique draw for our neighbors! The final event for the season occurred on September 21st and was our best event yet in terms of neighborhood attendance, number of cars in the show, and amount of food served. Many thanks to everyone who attended, volunteered, or brought cars to show! We’ve met so many people during these “grill & gather” events and connected better with other members too!
While the purpose of these community gatherings is simply to bring the neighborhood together so we can all become better acquainted and build trust in the community (rather than to grow our congregation), receiving visitors may be a by-product of our intention to get-to-know our neighbors. Let’s be intentional in our welcome of visitors to worship and/or Sunday School. Let’s invite visitors to the fellowship time and include them in our conversations. Let’s grow our community connections so we can understand God’s call to us as partners in mission!
An internal Listening Project is also part of our Faith Practices and Neighboring Practices plan. You were perhaps involved in a pre-Pandemic listening process either as an interviewer or an interviewee.
Brief interviews with several members have been conducted through September to get a better feel for who we are as a group of God’s faithful people and what God is calling us to be for our community. The data obtained will give us helpful information as to our congregational culture and potential future projects, use of resources, and directing funds. Many thanks to all who participated! My November “Deacon’s Desk” will provide a summary of results.
Your Sibling in Christ,
Deacon Kirsten Kessel
Minister of Word & Service