Deacon’s Desk – September 2022
In August I had the honor of representing the Northwest Hennepin Conference of the Minneapolis Area Synod (MAS) at the Church-Wide Assembly (CWA) in Columbus, Ohio. The triennial CWA is the highest governing body of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) comprised of Lay and Rostered delegates elected by their conferences from across the 65 Synods of the ELCA. I invite you to visit and click on “learn more” on the rolling top screen “Embody the Word.” Use the arrows on the side of the image to locate the page.
You’ll find links to specific memorials (or proposals) that were discussed and voted on by the delegates. You can view the wonderful variety of worship experiences. My favorites were Wednesday, August 10 (pictured below), and Friday, August 12 (especially the sermon – take a listen). Videos and photos included on the website will allow you to get a better picture of each day’s events.
The assembly commemorated the 35th Anniversary of the constitutional assembly of the ELCA which took place in Columbus, Ohio on April 30, 1987. Related memorials included study on restructure of governance and possible reconstitution to be discussed at the 2025 CWA in Phoenix.
Proposed reconsideration of language used in the 2009 social statement, “Human Sexuality: Gift and Trust was voted in favor of along with the Land Back Movement which encouraged deeper engagement with Indigenous partners and consideration of returning lands once held by native peoples when a church, school, or other ELCA organization is closing. The closing of a camp in northern Minnesota is the only example of the Land Back proposal as part of reparations in returning land to the original inhabitants.
Imran Siddiqui was elected by ecclesial ballot to serve a 6-year term as the ELCA Vice President. The incoming vice president is a senior investigator for the U.S. Department of Labor and current vice president of the Southeastern Synod of the ELCA, which spans Georgia, Tennessee, Alabama, and Mississippi.
He grew up Muslim and became Lutheran in 2011. Siddiqui said it was “fantastic” that the top three candidates for vice president were all people of color. They included Roberto Lara Aranda, president of Asociación Luterana de Ministerios Latinos ELCA, and Tracey Beasley, a member of Reformation Lutheran Church in Philadelphia. (Travel guru Rick Steves, a member of Trinity Lutheran Church in Lynnwood, Washington, also received one vote on an earlier ballot.)
But, Siddiqui said, “That doesn’t mean we have solved racism yet. We have a lot of work to do, church.”
Many thanks to all who helped with and/or attended our third “Gather and Grill” Bonfire, Brats, and BombPops event in the parking lot on August 17th. The car show is a big draw, so special thanks to those who brought vehicles and engaged with visitors. Several neighbors returned for the 3rd time, and new neighbors showed up as well. As I walked through the neighborhood this week, I was twice approached by neighbors who expressed appreciation for the community time, and both had ideas for engaging with the church! That’s our hop – to build relationship with neighbors and learn how we might partner with them for the sake of the community!