Advent & Christmas 2023

“O holy night, the stars are brightly shining, It is the night of the dear Saviour’s birth; Long lay the world in sin and error pining, 'Till he appeared and the soul felt its worth. A thrill of hope the weary world rejoices, For yonder breaks a new and glorious morn; . . .”

I have so many favorites when it comes to Christmas music, but I think the song “O, Holy Night” might top them all. Every time I hear it, I can feel that feeling of Christmas Eve worship. The struggle and anxiety of getting everyone dressed and ready for church gives way to a holy moment when the music begins. There’s something about the patient storytelling of the song that reminds me of both the grief and unmet expectations that we carry and the thrilling promise of hope, and the promise of a new day and a new way God is planning to bring love and new life into this weary world.

 This year a funny quirk in the church calendar shortens the four Sundays of Advent down to three. So, we decided, we want more Christmas. Or, at least all four Sundays of Advent. So, our Advent services will begin on Sunday, November 26th this year.

 This year has been a challenging one. It has been challenging to receive difficult news from all around the world - news of the unnecessary loss of life in Israel/Palestine and from Russia’s ongoing invasion of the Ukraine. It has been tiring to watch our government struggle to accomplish even the most simple tasks because of party polarization.

 So many in our community and in our world have reason to feel grief. It might be the loss of a loved one or challenging heath hurdles, it could be the frustration over missed opportunities or even just the feeling that we are meant for so much more.

Our Advent series this year names that weariness and invites us to prepare for the coming Christ child anew starting with the question: “How does a weary world rejoice?”

Along with this newsletter, I hope you’ve received our Advent devotional. The theme leans on the stories of God’s fulfilled promises in the first chapter of Luke’s Gospel. The lived experiences of Elizabeth and Zechariah (John the Baptist’s parents) and the angel’s announcement to Mary the mother of Jesus provoke awe and wonder. Their stories lead the people of God from grief and dismay to a song of hope and promise, each in their own unique way.

 This Advent season, I’m excited to lead a discussion group on Zoom each Wednesday evening at 7pm. We’ll use the devotional from this series as the jumping off point for our discussions. We’ll start Wednesday, December 29th and the Zoom link will be in the Midweek Message.

 I’m also excited to invite anyone who is interested in becoming a new member to let us know, if you haven’t heard from us yet. We plan to have a new member meeting after worship on December 3rd with a welcome in worship on December 17th with a community meal to follow after worship.

 This Advent season, you’re invited to come to worship whether you’re already feeling the joy of the season or if you’re carrying grief and weariness. You’re invited to hear a story and a promise, to feel that thrill of hope, and in the midst of darkening days, to look ahead to God’s new and glorious morning.

Thanks and peace,

Pastor Colin


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