Fall is in the air!
“Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling; for it is God who is at work in you, enabling you both to will and to work for his good pleasure.” Philippians 2:12b-13
It’s October and this is about as ‘spooky’ a verse as I know from the New Testament. It comes to mind because we’ll be reading from Philippians throughout October. Even though it talks about ‘fear and trembling’ I’m not sure it is supposed to be very spooky or scary.
This verse always catches my eye because of one of my very favorite theologians, Søren Kierkegaard. Kierkegaard wrote a whole book where he explored that first little phrase, “work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.” In fact, he takes “Fear and Trembling” as the title and uses the life of Abraham (among others) to play out scenarios, almost like little experiments. He shares them to challenge and question what we mean when we say we’re trying to live our lives in faith.
In a bit of a plot twist, ultimately, we’re led to see that God intends our life in faith to avoid any ‘fear and trembling.’ When Paul talks about ‘fear and trembling,’ too, he’s acknowledging how big and important our relationship with God is. But, thankfully, because of our baptisms, Jesus is in the drivers seat when it comes to following God faithfully. Instead, our hearts have rest in God when we take the leap of faith that trusts that God is in the drivers seat. God doesn’t leave us to our own devices. Instead God lends a hand guiding and empowering us towards the kind of faithful living that God desires for us and the whole world.
Well, October is starting, but the back-to-school busyness hasn’t even settled down, yet. This month, so many of our ministries are returning to their regular rhythms. The Study Buddy Bible Study on Tuesday mornings at 10AM has decided to focus on the Revelation of John (and you’re welcome to come for a donut if you’re interested!). The THUMBS study will be starting up again during this first week of October on Thursday at 9:30. I’m excited for Deacon Kirsten’s book study on Wednesday evenings. This month, she’ll be doing a book study (she describes it more in detail elsewhere) and next month, I’ll take a turn with that group, too!
I’m looking forward to a month full of reconnecting and another great opportunity for Trunk or Treat on Halloween. I’ll look forward to seeing you in church, too!
Thanks and peace,
Pastor Colin