Deacon’s Desk - March 2024

MARCH is the annual Minnesota Foodshare, a time to highlight the need for keeping our local food shelves stocked and funded for the increasing number of people seeking food support. Traditionally, First Lutheran has focused our food drives on NEAR, located in Crystal, as one of its founding churches. We continue to support NEAR with the Empty Bowls fundraiser in two ways: you can bring your creativity to church on Sunday March 3rd and give $10 to paint a bowl for the event; or you can attend the catered soup supper on March 19th at Cooper High School, from 5 – 7 pm. You may purchase the bowl you painted (if available) for $10 or buy any bowl of your choice. Tasty soups, breads, and entertainment to boot! An awesome opportunity to mingle with friends and support our neighbors!

CEAP is the Social Service Agency serving Brooklyn Park and Brooklyn Center. FLCOC’s relationship with CEAP has been growing since Dinner-At-Your-Door merged with CEAP’s Meals on Wheels program during the Pandemic. Here’s some information about CEAP to help you know them better:

Founded in 1972 with the mission of “Nourishment in mind, body, and spirit for all of our neighbors,” CEAP was originally a food shelf but over the years expanded to include additional programming to meet the “three major goals to increase access, health, and joy in our community.” That first year CEAP distributed 20, 000 pounds of food. Today, that number is over 1.5 million pounds! In addition to the in-person Food Market, CEAP offers curbside pick-up as well as food delivery and mobile food shelf options and a Holiday meal program.

However, knowing that “hunger is often a symptom of a greater issue, CEAP provides thousands of neighbors with “wrap-around services” that utilize a whole-person approach and community connections to address underlying circumstances that lead to hunger.” Programs include SENIOR SERVICES such as Meals-On-Wheels, delivering hot and cold meals to homebound neighbors in nine cities; Silver Selects Senior Assistance; Nutritional Assistance Programs for Seniors (NAPS); and resource referrals for other needs. HOUSING Navigators assist people with landlord issues, finding suitable and affordable housing, rent and utility assistance. CEAP also offers Legal Aid and a THRIFT STORE, in which every item is under $5.

The Thrift Store is how we can help! CEAP is especially in need of “Casual Friday” type clothing for men and women. Throughout March please bring your gently used clothing and shoes/boots to the church office. Thanks in advance for your generous gifts to our neighbors!

- In Christ, Deacon Kirsten Kessel




Deacon’s Desk - January 2024