First Lutheran Church of Crystal

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The End of Summer

God has done marvelous things. I too sing praises with a new song! - Earth and All Stars ELW 731

As the summer comes to an end and the temperature comes down, I’ve been humming the hymn “Earth and All Stars.” I don’t know about you, but I always associate the start of the school year and programs at church with that hymn. It makes me hopeful and imaginative as I think about what we’ll do together. So, I’ve been having conversations with council and our staff about plans for the fall. It has been energizing, maybe even joyful? The sabbath of summer gives way to a refreshing new opportunity to connect and reconnect in worship and the small groups within our larger community that give us life.

It has been a pleasant surprise this summer, at each of our “Community Cookout” gatherings - the Bonfire, Brats and Bomb-pops (or Burgers, etc) on each 3rd Wednesday of the summer - we continue to meet new neighbors… every. single. time. We’ve begun to see neighbors visiting worship, some of whom are interested in joining the church. God is doing something at First and it feels marvelous.

In September, in worship, the stories from Genesis that we had been reading for the first lesson will give way to stories from Exodus. And, while I appreciate reading those stories alongside the Gospel readings, these stories of Joseph the dreamer have me dreaming about this new season, too.

We’ll be blessing backpacks on Sunday, September 10th alongside the return of Sunday School. Later in that week, the Study Buddy Bible Study (every Tuesday at 10am).

I’m ready to start dreaming of the vibrant worship which will gather us on Sunday mornings. I’m excited to join our new music director, Ben Jeitz in reviving our music and worship. How will song and bells and the organ lead our songs anew? How will we “sing praises with a new song” this year?

I’m ready to start dreaming of what special focus, what special impact we hope to have this fall in our community? Deacon Kirsten has monthly themes planned so that we can intentionally come alongside some of the ministries we support both by learning more and responding to their needs and requests.

As I look towards September and beyond, I’m hopeful that we’re entering a season of renewal and restoration. With your help, I know we’ll all be able to look around and say together: “God has done marvelous things! I too sing praises with a new song!” Thanks and peace, Pr Colin