Deacon’s Desk – January 2023
“For surely I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans for your welfare and not for harm, to give you a future with hope.” Jeremiah 29:11, NRSV.
Happy 2023 to all!
We’ve completed another trip around the sun and begun again. God kept the promise to be with us in the Holy Spirit, in the Word, and in the water, bread, and wine of the Holy Sacraments. We know God’s promises, but circumstances sometimes cause us to wonder whether God is present among us or up on a mountain somewhere, oblivious to our situation.
What most of us learned in Confirmation classes, the attributes of God reflect all God is, does, and promises. God is omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent. That is, God is all-knowing, all-powerful, and everywhere-present. These attributes are clearly defined in Scripture, but if we are mindful of God we can witness God’s presence, power, and activity in our daily lives. Where has God shown up in your life? What is God up to in your everyday, in the neighborhood, and in our faith community?
On December 18th people who attended the Scandinavian Dinner following the worship service participated in a timeline activity which was the second part of our 2022 Listening project. Individuals wrote on color-coded post-it notes the times at First Lutheran when they experienced or observed “Red Letter Days,” or proud/happy moments, “Blue Days,” those sad or unsettling experiences in our church life, and “Green Times,” when they saw signs of hope for the future. While not as many people recorded signs of hope, encouraging trends were noted in the results.
Red letter days were most often related to individual participation in the life of the church. Whether teaching Sunday School, working with and supporting youth programs, providing support for events, or serving in our various outreach ministries, people were happiest when they were able to be a part of community life in a way that brought them joy. Things have changed and we may not be able to participate in the same ways we once did, but we can work together to find new alternatives that will also bring joy. That’s good news!
Blue days were heavily focused on the past and those things that were but are no longer. Especially related to worship attendance, number of children and youth present, and the sale of the building. Several noted the caveat that while there was sadness at the time, they recognize the changes have brought about improvements and seem to be working out after all. So, there is lament, but there is also vision for God’s preferred future for this church.
As mentioned earlier, there were fewer responses for Green Times, or signs of hope. The ones received however were enlightening and encouraging! “Spirit filled events,” “Neighborhood involvement at events,” and “reduced financial burdens,” were just a few. Overall, positivity towards community outreach, noticing the impact FLCOC is having beyond our walls, and realizing potential for congregational vitality were strong reminders that God is present and active among us, working for a hope-filled future.
Blessings and peace be yours in 2023,
Deacon Kirsten Kessel