First Lutheran Church of Crystal

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Deacon’s Desk – February 2023

The Annual Meeting is behind us and we’re moving into the new fiscal year. Our focus is on community impact – are we spending our mission investment funds in ways that make a difference beyond our congregation? Are we, as a faith community working to improve the lives of the people in our neighborhoods? Let me count the ways….oh wait, I did that in my 2022 Annual Report! How about a look at what’s coming up? February brings opportunities to make a difference locally as well as across our State.

On Sunday, February 5th, people painted ceramic bowls as part of a fundraiser for NEAR Food Shelf and PRISM. FLCOC bowls were just a small part of the hundreds of bowls contributed for the first half of this fundraiser for statewide food shelves known as Minnesota Foodshare Month, which is March. The bowls we painted at a cost of $10 each will be glazed and sold at the Empty Bowls Soup Supper on Tuesday, March 7th, at Cooper High School. People can purchase a bowl at the event for $10 and fill it with delicious soup donated by local restaurants.  The event is from 5 – 7:30 pm. Buy a bowl, enjoy tasty soup and bread, be part of the community, and support our local food shelves! NEAR is one of FLCOC’s long-term mission partners and receives a portion of our budgeted benevolence as well as an occasional gift from the FLCOC Living Endowment Fund.

Minnesota religious and lay leaders will come together on Tuesday, February 7th at Gloria Dei Lutheran Church in St Paul to hear from Governor Tim Walz, Speaker of the House Melissa Hortman, and Senate Majority Leader Kari Dzeidzic. Clergy from around the state presented the faith-grounded hopes for this legislative session, including priority issues around childcare and paid family leave for all as well as climate care and voting rights. Participants will be invited to plan meetings with their representatives and senators in cohort groups during March and April. Keep an eye out for meetings scheduled with your legislators – a great opportunity to be heard and see that your vote and voice have an impact on people’s lives in Minnesota. Isaiah is a faith-based community organizing organization working to encourage legislation directed towards improving the lives of every Minnesotan.

Wildfire Every Meal is a collaborative effort of six ELCA congregations with Every Meal (fighting child hunger) in partnership with the Robbinsdale schools. Together we provide a weekend meal to every family seeking food support each Friday throughout the school year.  At a cost of about $1200 per week, it’s essential to raise funds beyond congregational giving. The “Marty” Gras Festival on Saturday, February 18th is an opportunity to invite the support of people outside our congregations, who also care about giving children their best chance to succeed. A pun on Mardi Gras from Martin Luther, the event is intended as a fun afternoon to come together for a good cause. Participants can eat pizza and popcorn, play BINGO and “Heads & Tails” with Mardi Gras beads, and buy baked treats at the Bake Sale. So, share the word!  Invite your friends, relatives, neighbors, and coworkers to come for fun and support Wildfire Every Meal in the Robbinsdale Schools! February 18th, 12 – 3pm, at Holy Nativity (3900 Winnetka Ave). All ages welcome! Accessible and ample parking. $10 pizza, popcorn, soda; $20 BINGO, $1 beads for Heads & Tails; $5 or less baked goods. PRIZES valued at $20 minimum. Please sign-up at the Welcome Desk or email me at

There you have it! A few ways to make a difference beyond our church walls! Hope to see you out there!

-       Deacon Kirsten Kessel