Deacon’s Desk - January 2024
Happy New Year!
We enter 2024 with anticipation of what’s to come. What are you looking forward to? A “bucket list” vacation? More time with your family? The new year holds potential for changes in our personal lives such as health improvements, spiritual growth, and all the other resolutions we might make. Good endeavors for our health and well-being, but the key is this: each requires our intention and action. Community goals are the same. As a faith community we had some big wins in 2023. Just a few examples:
EVERY MEAL - Our partnership with Every Meal and the schools we support flourished thanks to well-attended community events that provided fun, food, and connections with our Wildfire friends. The “Marty-Gras” pizza and bingo event was a first-time fundraising attempt that was deemed a success worth repeating, which will happen on February 10th from noon to 3:30pm at Holy Nativity in New Hope. It will be much the same, but with a few “tweaks” to make it even better!
The Midsummer Shindig was another huge success, in part because the extreme heat forced us inside to the air-conditioned space at House of Hope! More than $12,000 was raised from that single evening of fantastic food, invigorating music from the Fleshpots of Egypt, as well as fun and connecting with the Wildfire faith community. Plan to join the (air-conditioned) fun on June 19th 2024! Again, much will be the same, but don’t expect an identical evening.
THIRD WEDNESDAY EVENTS – We extended the season by adding a potluck game night in April, then the Community Cookouts May through September, and Trunk-or-Treat in October. Simple fun and good food are the recipe for success!
The game night was easy and enjoyable, and each of the community cookouts was better attended than the last! We changed up the 3 Bs – burgers, beans, and ice cream bars as alternatives to the usual brats, bomb pops, and bonfire. More of you showed up in support, we met new people from the neighborhood, saw previous guests return, and additional car collectors brought their vehicles.
Many thanks to YOU for showing up, inviting others, and pitching in when more hands were needed. Community events are our means for making a footprint in the neighborhood and extending God’s love to the community! Together, we can make 2024 FLCOC’s best year yet!
Deacon Kirsten Kessel